The Green Party of England and Waleshas become a major force in UK politics, consistently registering millions of votes in national and local elections.Following the 2019 European elections, the party’s membership stands at more than 50,000 people, with many inspired by the party’s stance on Brexit and the Climate Emergency.
We were originally tasked with taking the Green Party’s members’ magazine, Green World, completely online and to produce digital content on a daily basis that appealed to both existing party members and those with an interest in Green politics and environmentalism. We were commissioned with creating a refreshed and improved online format through
The solution
Following meetings and consultations with key staff from the Green Party, we created a whole new website and new ways of working with the Green World Editorial Board and Green Party Press Office, Our updated website retained the core identity of Green World while refreshing it for its new digital platform.This is the latest step/stage in our relationship with the Green Party, having produced Green World both in print and digital formats since 2013, both conceptualising, commissioning, writing, designing, editing and distributing its previous 24-page quarterly print edition and commissioning, producing, editing and curating daily news, comment and features for the new solely digital platform.
The results
Since Green World moved to a completely digital platform in July 2018, the site has attracted more than 130,000 readers, reaching far beyond the core Green Party membership and engaging with new audiences. The website currently sees 15,000 page views a month with engagement boosted through social media sharing.